Monday, February 21, 2011

Gaddaffi has fled! Is the House of Saud next?

Revolution has hit the oil rich country of Libya and there are now speculation that its 40 years' leader and dictator has fled the country; probably out in Venezuela, another oil rich Nation!
First off: " Why didn't the Libyan potent run to his " fathers" in Saudi Arabia? Is the reign of the Saud clan next on the line of fire?

"Unofficial reports proliferating that Seif al-Islam Gaddafi wounded by gunfire, while his father has fled with his wife and daughter," the website said in a terse report on the unfolding events in Libya, where more than 200 people have been reportedly killed ever since anti-government protests erupted last week."

 If the recent allegations are corrects, we can expect a " violent" upturn in the rise of oil and related byproducts!

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