Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The IMF and global inequity

The IMF is warning about the possibility of global revolution spurred by the economic inequality between the haves and the have-nots. While the argument is honorable and should be analysed, it is also noticeable to pin point the fact the IMF is certainly part of the problem of poverty in the third world. The IMF is an organization that was " founded" by John Maynard Keynes to be the global central bank of the world. That organization has been working diligently to promote a one world government with itself issuing a currency: the SDR! Most of today's woes are due to monetary inflation issued by world's governments with the aim of supporting the bankrupt paper fiat reserve banking system. While inflation benefits those who get the money first, the banks, the commoners have to bear the pain of higher prices and shorter supply. The IMF is absolutely right, the world is on the verge of self destruction and one way to prevent this from occurring ABOLISH THE IMF AND ALL CENTRAL BANKS!

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